A simple, new perspective can change your life

Often, just by considering someone else’s point of view, we allow for a shift in our own thoughts.

by Holly Richardson — 

Have you ever held onto a thought so long it seemed impossible to change? Wondered what it would take to change it? In some instances, the change can occur in a matter of seconds, just by adjusting your perspective.

When stress occurs and questions arise like, “Why am I here and what am I doing?” it may be time to examine the situation. Look for patterns in thoughts and behaviors. Is this persistent or is it a one-time occurrence?

When this is an especially persistent situation, set aside time to sit and reflect. Find a new way of looking at the issue. Often, just by considering someone else’s point of view, we allow for a shift in our own thoughts. It gives us the opportunity to change that thought we have clung to for so long.

If it is difficult to see the situation differently, consider seeking help from a professional. They will be able to ask clarifying and empowering questions to assist you in finding the answers within. This will enable you to release the negative effects of old thoughts, resulting in a new perspective on life.


Holly Richardson is a life coach and certified hypnotherapist. She combines coaching and guided imagery to develop personalized hypnotherapy scripts that provide clarity, awareness and inspiration for those seeking union within. 602-740-9832, or

Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 28, Number 2, Apr/May 2009.

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