Bioharmonic Self-Massage: How to Harmonize Your Mental, Emotional and Physical Energies

April 12, 2012

Book review

The movements and stretching exercises of bioharmonic self-massage can also be used to increase fluidity of motion, ward off illness and attain a state of bioharmonic — physical, emotional, mental and energetic — well-being.

by Yves Bligny

Drawing upon biological decoding, reflexology, lymph massage and yoga, as well as recent neuroscience and quantum physics research, Bligny, a therapist and kinesiologist, shows how to awaken the body’s natural potential to harmonize energy through the release of tensions and emotional memories trapped within our muscles. He explains how the synergy between the physical body, emotions, thoughts, energy and consciousness creates a delicate balance, or “bioharmony,” that can be tuned and adjusted through self-massage.

Using the power of intention — directed thought aided by expanded awareness of the body — and tennis balls, curtain rods, foam tubes and other common objects to reach hard-to-massage problem areas, Bligny shows how to take inventory of your body, mind and memories, and use the conscious touch of self-massage to remove energy blockages, release trapped emotions and relieve anxieties, stress and muscle tensions, as well as gain stability and strength.

This method is very effective for chronic back, neck and shoulder problems. The movements and stretching exercises of bioharmonic self-massage can also be used to increase fluidity of motion, ward off illness and attain a state of bioharmonic — physical, emotional, mental and energetic — well-being.

$19.95 — Healing Arts Press, One Park St., Rochester, VT 05767.

Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 30, Number 6, December 2011/January 2012.

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