Elevate your sport performance

IM=X Pilates uses its own patented reformer called the “Xercizer,” which can be used by all body types, from the professional football player to the petite dancer.

by Laurie Breeden — 

In sports competitions, having the edge means winning. Integrated Movement eXercize (IM=X) is a cross-training system that integrates resistance and cardiovascular training into Pilates moves, and can help you win. It is designed to increase flexibility, endurance and muscle tone while strengthening the spine and abdominal core. The regimen complements traditional weight training, which isolates single muscles for development, because it strengthens muscle synergies.

IM=X Pilates uses its own patented reformer called the “Xercizer,” which can be used by all body types, from the professional football player to the petite dancer. This versatile machine has more than 100 exercise variations which require minimal equipment reconfiguration. In addition, the exercises on the Xercizer elevate your performance by mimicking the movement patterns seen in a variety of sports.

Several athletic-oriented sessions are offered. Sessions include sports performance, abs, upper body and lower body, along with the basic Xercizer classes which provide a great overall workout. By attending two to three sessions per week in an intense progression of workouts, you will see improvement in your muscle flexibility, range of joint motion, core endurance and biomechanics.

The trainers also show you how to improve your game with movement patterns that stabilize your core while maximizing your range of motion. This helps you acquire the additional strength needed to improve your playing power in your favorite sport while reducing your risk of injury.

Implementing IM=X Pilates into your workout will give you the competitive edge, with improved flexibility, strength, balance, posture and core stability. It will enable you to achieve victory. Not a bad return on just two to three hours of training per week.


Laurie Breeden, a certified life coach in Tempe, Ariz., has studied yoga and Pilates for almost 10 years and has taught for nearly four years., or 480-966-9521.

Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 26, Number 1, February/March 2007.

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