Embracing life without the buzz

by Lucinda Lintz — 

People really do want to pay their bills. It is when pressed, or operating under the influence of fear, that most people revert to the spending tactics that cause great upheaval and imbalance.

People really do want to pay their bills. It is when pressed, or operating under the influence of fear, that most people revert to the spending tactics that cause great upheaval and imbalance.

When you think about it, having boring finances is not such a bad situation. It simply means that everything is under control and you no longer are experiencing a wild fluctuation between spending and hoarding money.

There is enough, we all have enough, we are enough and we can, therefore, create the capacity for more in our lives. More value, more benefits, more time and more connection with those we love, including ourselves. We no longer need the high, buzz, adrenalin rush, fix or frenzy. Yeah! Life is exciting enough without the synthetic substitutes we tend to create by adding a little extra drama.

People really do want to pay their bills. It is when pressed, or operating under the influence of fear, that most people revert to the spending tactics that cause great upheaval and imbalance. That lack of focus distracts us from our true purpose, which is to enjoy life and share in the positive essence of love.

The following are some thoughts to consider next time the urge to splurge sneaks up on you:

  • Explore your options. Ask what your alternatives are, and acknowledge the motivating emotions so you can clarify them.
  • Examine why this might be something you can’t live without. Look at issues that might be driving this belief.
  • Use what you have first, like those little samples. Find a substitute. Be okay with a temporary situation.
  • When in doubt … hold out … on purchases. Know that when you are supposed to have it, it will come to you effortlessly.


Lucinda Lintz operates Abundance in Business and is a business manager, bookkeeper and accountant for individuals, small businesses and the media. 602-997-7970 or

Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 24, Number 3, June/July 2005.

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