Feed your mind and manage your weight

By focusing on positive thoughts and emotions, you can attract their future vision of yourself.

by Kathy Balland — 

Successful weight management goes beyond simply what you eat. It all really comes down to your thoughts and feelings. By focusing on positive thoughts and emotions, you can attract their future vision of yourself. The following tools can help you make positive changes, such as weight management: affirmations, a gratitude journal, positive suggestions and a vision board.

Affirmations — An affirmation is a statement about how you want to be, declared in the present tense. It could be: “I am happy, healthy and at my ideal weight.” The affirmation can be written down and placed where you will see it often, as a reminder. The affirmation tool works because you become the way you believe yourself to be.

Gratitude journal — A gratitude journal can be used daily, or whenever you would like to improve your emotional state. The purpose of the journal, which can simply be a piece of paper, is to record the things you are grateful for. Doing this helps you focus on the positive things in life which, in turn, makes you feel better. And feeling good helps you attract what you want out of life, including reaching your ideal weight.

Positive suggestions — Positive suggestions are positive thoughts that boost your self-esteem, and help you achieve your goals, such as managing your weight. The suggestions can be introduced by a certified hypnotherapist, either through a CD or in person. They are generally used when a person is relaxed, and accompanied by guided imagery. The result is that you reach your subconscious mind, which can motivate you to make the changes you desire more quickly. Suggestions often are used successfully for weight management.

Vision board — A vision board can be a cork bulletin board, or any area you can pin, glue, or tape pictures or words. Those pictures or words should depict whatever goals you wish to attain. In the instance of weight management, it may be a photo of yourself at your ideal weight, or any image or words that will remind you of your goal of health and fitness.

These are all great ways to help you positively change your thoughts and feelings. In doing so, you can change your perception of yourself, and ultimately achieve and maintain your ideal weight.


Kathy Balland is a certified hypnotherapist and a transformational life coach. She is the creator of the weight management CD, Drive Your Weight Down. or 480-688-3924.

Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 26, Number 2, April/May 2007.

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