Fight cancer with a holistic/integrative approach

February 28, 2012

Cancer, Health, Homeopathy

Vitamin C is required for our immune systems to generate and mobilize the specialized cells that fight cancer and infections.

by Dr. Paul Stallone — 

It is a misconception that the holistic/integrative approach to fighting cancer shuns traditional treatments that have proven to increase the survival time of cancer patients. Contrary to this belief, the integrative approach encourages a complementary regimen of both conventional and alternative treatments.

Alternative treatment modalities have a good success rate, when coupled with conventional treatments, may yield better results in the cancer battle. The success of the treatment can be aided by therapies that help the patient not only to beat the disease, but also to maintain a healthy immune system, balance the nasty side effects of harsh conventional treatments, help relieve the stress of treatment and even eradicate the cancer altogether.

Medical ozone therapy

Research has found that cancer cells seem to thrive in an oxygen-deprived environment. Medical ozone therapy allows for the oxidation of cells, is more reactive than oxygen and does not show as much damage to noncancer cells generally associated with chemotherapy and radiation.

IVC therapy (intravenous vitamin C)

Vitamin C is required for our immune systems to generate and mobilize the specialized cells that fight cancer and infections. The more stress the immune system is under, the more vitamin C it uses. Cancer thrives in the presence of a deficient immune system, so this therapy is not only a benefit to those already fighting the disease, but can also be used for overall preventative health care. In addition to keeping the immune system in fighting shape, immune therapy is beneficial for preventing metastasis, the spreading of the disease.

Intravenously administered, high-dose vitamin C can increase hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) levels in cancer cells and kill them. IV therapy is an excellent way to prevent free-radical damage, from everyday pollutants, and also from toxic treatments themselves. Unlike cancer drugs, IV vitamin C selectively kills cancer cells but not the healthy cells, and it shows no toxicity.

A study performed by Ewan Cameron, M.B., ChB., concluded that patients treated with high doses of vitamin C had survived three to four times longer than similar patients who did not receive vitamin C supplements.

Nutritional IV therapy

The objective of nutritional IV therapy, including vitamin C, minerals and amino acids, is to strategically and scientifically use chemical reactions and interactions of these nutrients, foods and nutritional supplements to alter or impair the development of cancer cells by interacting with the requirements of cell formation (structure, energy, blood vessels, growth hormones and functions).

Nutritional therapies also help the body recover and rebuild strength as the patient undergoes conventional cancer treatments. Because this therapy is nontoxic and basic, it does not interfere with conventional therapies but rather complements and enhances the effectiveness. Nutritional IV therapy combined with chemotherapy or alone, has stopped tumor growth, reduced tumor size and eliminated tumors altogether while improving one’s quality of life. Numerous cancer treatments can impair the gastrointestinal lining, affect the absorption of nutrients and destroy the immune system. Intravenous nutrition can help speed up the healing time and allow patients to respond better to chemotherapy and radiation, thus helping them stay healthier overall.

Poly-MVA (Polydox)

In 1995, Dr. Michael Garnett patented a nontoxic chemo therapeutic agent targeting only the malignant cells. This compound was called Polydox (U.S. trials), Poly-MVA (Canada and Mexico) or LAPd by some researchers. The MVA stands for minerals, vitamins and amino acids, and LAPd is a lipoic acid/palladium complex. When lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant with many biological functions, is connected to an electrically charged metal substrate and joined with various B vitamins, the resulting complex becomes totally soluble in both water and fat. It can easily and safely travel throughout the body and into every cell, crossing the blood-brain barrier as well.

Therefore, performing that journey across the blood-brain barrier — impossible for most drugs, including chemotherapy — makes Poly-MVA excellent in cases where no other remedies are possible.

Holistic approaches

Homeopathic remedies can be used a number of ways in conjunction with many different cancer therapies. One way is to focus on  the tumors themselves, in this case, the symptom picture of the tumor itself. The primary objective is to target the tumor and reverse its growth. Another approach is to use homeopathic remedies to assist in healing the patient’s eliminative channels (kidneys, urinary tract, lymphatic system, liver, etc.) and strengthen cell detoxification. In this case, the homeopath may use drainage remedies. These are low potency combination remedies used to target specific systems or detoxify particular substances, such as heavy metals.

Another approach is to use homeopathy to address the overall well-being of the patient. In this case (called the classical approach), the homeopath does a complete interview of the patient’s mental, emotional and physical symptoms, and then selects the best match accordingly. Often the best-selected constitutional remedy will directly affect the tumor.

Several other approaches which will complement and enhance conventional cancer therapies can be considered with a doctor whom you trust. The uniqueness of each patient requires a plan that is customized for them. Keep in mind that different treatments may not work as well for you as they do for others. It is also important to understand that some treatments should not be combined — the goal is to activate each individual’s healing capabilities.


Paul Stallone, N.M.D., founded the Arizona Integrative Medical Center in Scottsdale, Ariz. He combines natural, alternative and conventional treatments to best fit and benefit each individual patient’s needs. or 480-214-3922.

Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 28, Number  4, Aug/Sept 2009.

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