Health updates

The following is new information regarding Himalayan salt crystal lamps and the benefits of sunlight on cancer.

Himalayan salt crystal lamps

Three hundred million years ago, a vast primordial ocean covered the area that would become the Himalayan mountain range. The salt of that unpolluted ocean was preserved as large crystal formations, which now yield the purest salt on earth. Salt in its purest form is white, but salt from the Himalayas varies in color from pure white to deep red, with shades of pink and peach in between. This coloration is created by iron infused within the salt crystals: the redder the salt, the higher the iron content. A high mineral content, such as iron, can inhibit the distribution of lightwaves through the salt. When lit, salt lamps emit negative ions which cleanse the air by removing dust, pollen, dander and cigarette smoke. They also offset the harmful radiation produced by computer monitors, TVs and other electrical devices.

Sunlight cuts risk of many cancers, especially breast cancer

Two new studies indicate exposure to the sun may actually be beneficial in fighting cancer. Researchers from Stanford University reported their findings in the American Journal of Epidemiology (October 2007), indicating that women with light skin pigmentation who had higher sun exposure had their risk of advanced breast cancer reduced almost by half.

The European Journal of Cancer recently reported that, according to a second research team who studied more than four million people in 11 countries, the risk of internal cancers (except for skin cancers) was lower among people living in sunny countries. According to the researchers, “Vitamin D production in the skin seems to decrease the risk of several cancers, especially stomach, colorectal, liver and gall-bladder, pancreas, lung, female breast, prostate, bladder and kidney cancers.” Although food provides some vitamin D, nearly 90 percent comes from exposure to sunlight.


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Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 26, Number 6, December 2007/January 2008.

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