Living Temples

This is music that reflects the spacious beauty the American Southwest evokes.

Living Temples

by David Lanz and Gary Stroutsos —

If you were to hear the American Southwest in a more meaningful way, how would you describe the desert’s song or the melodies arising from the red rock and the open sky? What would be the sound of this sacred place?

Not content to create a soundtrack restrained in style, the artists allowed the muse to have her way, wild and elusive at first, then flowing freely, and finally tamed and captured.

Blending the classic sounds of piano, cello and upright acoustic bass, with exotic native and world flutes, dreamy synth textures, hand percussion and the majestic thundering sound of the Taos drums, the compositions were given room to breathe, unfold and come to life.

This is music that reflects the spacious beauty the American Southwest evokes. Beauty at once stark, rich and surprisingly lush in texture.

Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 26, Number 6, December 2007/January 2008.

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