“Prickly” emotional states need Holly

The typical Holly individual has a constistently ill-tempered, bristly and sometimes vindictive personality.

The typical Holly individual has a constistently ill-tempered, bristly and sometimes vindictive personality.

by Linda Crider — 

When Dr. Edward Bach was in the process of creating his 38 flower remedy healing system, he relied heavily on his keen intuition and insight into human nature. He also believed that the appearance of a plant often presents clues as to how it might benefit people.

This is certainly the case with the essence of Holly. One only needs to consider the sharp, pointed leaves of this plant to understand why it is recommended to calm those especially “prickly” emotional states.

At times we all experience such human emotions as anger and envy; however, those especially in need of this flower essence harbor more intense and long-lasting sentiments of aggression, jealousy and spite toward others.

The typical Holly individual has a consistently ill-tempered, bristly and sometimes vindictive personality. He or she is perceived as a hostile and suspicious person who delights in the misfortunes of those who are perceived to be enemies. To the extreme Holly types, all of humankind is against them, so they hide their pain behind an irritable, touchy exterior.

Bach believed that individuals in the negative Holly state often suffer internally but without a conscious reason. Perhaps as youngsters they were raised in a negative environment and grew to see themselves as unlovable. To ease the pain, they hardened their hearts while separating themselves from the loving inner nature that is inherent in all of us. This attitude is then carried with them into adulthood.

Bach wrote that taking the essence of Holly “opens the heart and unites us with divine love.” The individual is then free to shed the crusty veneer and begin expressing generosity and good will to others. This can help to heal relationship issues between parent and child, husband and wife, siblings, neighbors and perhaps, on a grander scale, antagonistic nations.

It is the remedy to choose when the status quo of a household is threatened by the arrival of a newcomer. This would apply to an older child who openly displays resentment of a new baby.

Along the same lines, Holly is useful when introducing a new pet in the home, especially when the existing animal has been an only cat or dog and begins showing signs of jealousy. Putting this remedy in food or water, rubbing it on ears or spraying it around favorite sleeping areas will help to facilitate a smoother transition for everyone.

Holly is beneficial to all of us when we feel temporarily cross toward someone or envious of others who are more fortunate than we are. By stirring our sense of community, we can take pleasure in the good fortune of others, knowing that we too may tap into the endless supply of universal abundance.


Linda Crider, BFRP, has been a promoter and educator of botanical healing practices for 15 years. She specializes in flower essence therapy and is a Bach Foundation registered practitioner and founder of Blooming Vibrations, LLC. 602-774-2382 or

Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 32, Number 3, June/July 2013.


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