Tag Archives: frequency

Vibrational matching aids the healing process

January 1, 2013

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by Tara Howe —  Frequency specific microcurrent (FSM) is gaining a reputation for its usefulness in many arenas. As a massage therapist who has worked within the mainstream and the complementary medical communities, I find the possibilities for FSM not only staggering but profoundly rewarding, due to the success in patient treatment outcomes. FSM has […]

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Music — A doorway to the soul and a harmonic path to healing

October 1, 2012

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by Dudley Evenson —  All cultures on every part of the planet, from ancient times to this day, have used music in some way to lift the spirit and to enhance the healing process. Music, because of its nature, is a link between the external and internal worlds, a bridge to the spirit and a doorway […]

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Healing with sound

September 9, 2012

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by Sunanda Harrell-Stokes —  Every cell in our body is a sound resonator. Every cell lives in a rhythmic pattern. Each organ has its own cycle and its own pulse. Each system has a cycle, rhythm, pattern and pulse. We exist in a world of vibration. Sound healing seeks to harmonize, balance and reconnect the […]

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A novel way to heal fibromyalgia pain

April 12, 2012

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by Betsy Timmerman —  Many years ago, I met Dr. Carolyn McMakin in California at a fibromyalgia conference sponsored by the National Fibromyalgia Association. She was demonstrating her frequency specific micro-current (FSM) program and was touting it as a virtual cure for fibromyalgia. At the time, there were few practitioners of the art, but today […]

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Heal others, heal yourself

March 1, 2012

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by Jackie Lapin — Today’s headlines are filled with stories about our broken medical system, people who suffer because of a failed safety net or of those who cannot afford the care that would help them. Then there are the tales of those who can afford treatment but are not cured or healed by modern […]

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Rife frequencies: The answer for cancer and Lyme disease

February 25, 2012

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by Brenda Haas-Krieger — Dr. Royal Rife was an inventor who proved in the 1930s that microorganisms, including cancer, can be readily destroyed with the use of frequencies. He discovered that every living organism vibrates at its own unique frequency. Think of the opera singer who is able to hit just the right note long […]

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