Using sound to eliminate pain

Using sound to eliminate pain

You can intentionally use this natural mechanism to release pain, sadness, fear and anger.

You can intentionally use this natural mechanism to release pain, sadness, fear and anger.

by Jill Mattson — 

Did you ever wonder why we instinctively groan or cry out when we are hurt, or scream when we are frightened? Or why the karate master lets out a yell before he strikes? Such exclamations are the body’s way of releasing pain, sadness, fear and anger. It is a powerful way to release negative energies that can accumulate, causing health problems and other issues.

You can intentionally use this natural mechanism to release pain, sadness, fear and anger. Next time you feel these negative emotions, pretend that you are inside the pain and give it a voice. Let the pain cry, whimper or scream.

Use your imagination to give voice to the negative energy. This could take 15 minutes or longer, depending on the size and severity of the pain. As the pain continues to be expressed, it will begin to sound less angry, sad or painful.

Eventually the sound will become sweet and joyful as the pain leaves. The subtle energy within your body, often the root cause of the pain, will leave as you make these tones. When it is completely gone, it will be close to impossible to imagine the area crying or making a sad noise, as it will transform to a happier sound. Then the pain will quickly release from your body.

Emotional pain is energy stored in your auric field and within your body, and it can wreak all kinds of mental, physical and emotional havoc. Just because you cannot see it does not mean it is not there.

Sounding it out is a powerful tool that can be combined with other energy techniques. For example, many energy healers set their intent to remove negative energy and literally pretend that they are pulling it off your body in the areas where you feel pain. With your own intent, you can control these subtle negative energies.

You can also combine energy techniques. Here is an example: Allow the pain to have a sound; then using your hands and imagination, pull it from your body. You will be amazed at how effective this is. Another variation, after you have given pain a speaking voice, is to transform your voice and make a sweet sound to replace the pain.

Have fun with this powerful technique, while releasing the negative energy.


Jill Mattson is a sound healing author and composer who offers free music and tones you can download.

Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 33, Number 1, February/March 2014.


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