Why Rolfing®?

February 27, 2012

Pain, Rolfing

It might be tempting to chalk up your pain to simply getting older or even to denigrate yourself as a mess, but do not do either.

by Deanna Melnychuk — 

If you are you living with chronic pain and have not yet done so, it pays to take the time to assess both the origin and source of the pain. Does it stem from an accident, surgery, poor posture, repetitive motions or emotional stress? Where specifically is the pain — is it localized or general?

Look in the mirror. Is one hip or shoulder higher than the other? Is all your weight resting on one foot? Is your head held straight or does it jut forward? Now think about how you feel. Do your hands or arms ache and tingle? Do your feet burn so that you do not want to wear shoes? Is your lower back begging you to lie down?

It might be tempting to chalk up your pain to simply getting older or even to denigrate yourself as a mess, but do not do either. Instead, tell yourself that such pain is unacceptable; then sit down and do your research. As you look for possible solutions, I encourage you to look into Rolfing.

Rolfing focuses on the manual manipulation of the myofascial system of the body through the release of restrictions by the lengthening of connective tissue. As the myofascia softens, muscular tone improves, resulting in a greater range of motion and improved coordination.

This is typically accomplished in ten 75-minute sessions, wherein a certified Rolfer uses her hands, arms and fists (softly) to release bodily restrictions. Any slight discomfort at the touch usually diminishes quickly. In addition to manual manipulation, a good Rolfer will provide coaching on the correct way to walk, rise, sit and work at a computer, in order to support the physical realignment.

You will be amazed at what a difference Rolfing makes in your physical well-being. Not only will your body feel lighter as it realigns within the gravitational field, but chronic pain will diminish and your posture will improve.


Deanna Melnychuk, B.Sc., is a certified advanced Rolfer and Rolfing movement practitioner, licensed massage therapist, Reiki master, cranioSacral therapist and reflexologist. 602-404-8685.

Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 29, Number 1, Feb/Mar 2010.

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